Tuesday, December 7, 2010

And here we go

Things have been a little nuts lately. We've been dealing with busy work days, studying for finals, sickness, and Christmas shopping and decorating. But we're back and we're ready to party. Here are a few of the things that you missed:

We have a new Christmas jam, "Electronic Santa" by Blazer Force. When Andrew listened to it, he said "I have never heard a song about Santa that made me want to dance before". And trust me, this song will make you want to dance. So don't listen to it in a public place unless you're meaning to show off your mad skills.

This commercial had us laughing last night. I haven't seen Andrew laugh that hard at anything on TV in a while.

This past weekend, we set up our tree. The candy garland is from when I was a kid. It used to hang on the trees of my childhood and I would try to taste it. So if you look closely, you can see where some of the candies have been unwrapped and there tiny teeth marks in the styrofoam underneath. And the little red shoe ornament is one of my favorites. Tyler gave it to me a few years ago and it says "all I want for Christmas is peace on earth and really cute shoes".

A few nights ago, Andrew and I finally perfected avocado sushi at home:

And finally, here are a few more of our lego creations:

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