Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy Weekend:

Happy Friday, friends! What are you doing with your time off? Got any fun plans? I'm having dinner tonight with two of my oldest friends before one of them heads back to Delaware tomorrow. And due to the holidays (and general laziness), we've been slacking a little on the house cleaning. So, a big chunk of our weekend will be sacrificed to the cleaning gods, I'm afraid. But hopefully we will be able to squeeze in a swim and a nice, long family walk.

And here's a little of what our week has been like:
  1. We spent New Year's Eve laughing and celebrating with friends. I didn't make it to midnight but we still had a blast.
  2. I bought way too many shoes at Dillard's New Year's Day sale.
  3. We joined a new gym -- and the pool is nice (Andrew got me an underwater MP3 player for Christmas and I am crazy excited to try it out!)
  4. We scored a free arm chair for the nursery. I'll share pics soon!
  5. We've been hitting up the garage/yard sale circuit to find the perfect (and cheap) dresser. Anyone have one they want taken off their hands?
Today is my nephew's birthday! Happy Birthday, T! I can't believe you are 12 years old already!

Have a fantastic weekend, everyone! XO.

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