Friday, May 23, 2014

Happy weekend:

Happy Friday, friends! This week has felt exceptionally long so I am even happier than usual for the arrival of the weekend. What are you doing? Any fun plans? My due date is this Saturday (!!!) so we will be sitting around the house, relaxing, and enjoying what may be the last few days of just the two of us (well, three including Tillie). We really got on our to-do list the last two weeks and are feeling like, finally, we're ready. Or as ready as we're ever going to be, I guess. At this point, it's just a waiting game (and believe me, this is one game I am done playing).

Here's a peek into what we've been up to lately:
  1. Went to the doctor last week (and again this morning). She says all signs point to this boy's arrival any day now.
  2. Both K & L are home (from Delaware and South Korea, respectively). This is a very rare occurrence and I have been enjoying our Order reunion. It is nice to have all your oldest friends in one place from time to time.
  3. We finally got the nursery done (or as done as it's going to get) and my mom brought us the wooden cradle from Germany that I slept in as a newborn, so we are ready to go in the baby-sleeping department.
  4. Is it wrong that I've eaten a molten volcano cake from Chili's more than once this week? It's just so good, I can't help myself.
  5. I straight up wore jeans to work pretty much every day this week. And no one said anything. Not that they didn't notice, I just think maybe they were scared they'd incur the wrath of the seriously pregnant lady. That's one thing I'm going to miss about being pregnant: being able to get away with pretty much anything.
Have a great weekend, everyone! Fingers crossed we'll have big news to share come Monday morning!

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