Status: Done. I actually read 58 books this year. And I'm pretty proud of myself.
Status: Didn't happen. This is probably my biggest disappointment of the year. But there's really nothing I can do about it, so I'm trying not to dwell. All I can do is look to next year and work towards making it happen. But the good news? I feel like we're closer than we've ever been so maybe 2013 will be the year.
Status: Done. I've run 5 races this year (some of them are here, here, and here). And I'm training for a half marathon (!).
Status: Done. You can read more about that here.
Status: Not yet. But I have taken steps towards taking it. I've been studying and gathering information. I plan on taking it the beginning of next year.
Status: Done, kind of. We spent quite a lot in 2012 but we also made more this year than in previous years. So, by comparison, yes, we saved more too.
There are a few things that I didn't include in these resolutions and for good reason. They are private. My most private longings are locked up inside me like a little girl's diary. With one of those heart shaped locks. Maybe when (and if) they happen, I'll share them. But for now, they're staying right where they belong.
I learned a lot this year. I opened myself up a bit and great things happened. And I'm happy. So, I think for next year, I will try my hand at this resolution thing again. But this time, I think, I'll be a lot more general. I think I will enjoy it more if I don't feel pressured by these standards I've set for myself.
So, farewell 2012. You were a good year. You did us right (mostly). But I'm not sad to see you go. On to bigger and better things!