Monday, May 18, 2015

New reads:

I just finished reading Mandy by Julie Andrews Edwards, one of my very favorite books from my childhood. Once, in the fifth grade, I lost my copy, and then for my birthday last year my mom (who bought me my first copy) gave me another one. I have enjoyed reading this again. It's such a sweet little story. 

Here's what it's about, in case you're interested:

"For an orphan child whose life is filled with comfortable, predictable sameness, with no particular hardships, life is, well, all right. Really, what does Mandy have to worry about? So it comes to a surprise even to Mandy when a small restlessness begins to grow in her. This lonely ache sets her to wandering father afield, and leads her to a startling and wonderful discovery over the orphanage wall -- a very old, very small, seemingly abandoned cottage. Embarking on a clandestine domestic fantasy involving gardening tools and soap flakes, Mandy finds herself being less than honest about where and how she's spending her days. Holding her secret closer and closer to her heart, this imaginative dreamer inadvertently endangers her reputation -- and her life.

For every child who has fallen in love with The Secret Garden or A Little Princess, Julie Andrews Edwards's 1971 novel will be a heartwarming discovery. Any sometimes-lonely child with a giant imagination will recognize Mandy's dreams and rejoice in her ultimate fairy-tale happy ending."

I was a terribly imaginative child (still am) and was immediately drawn to this story. I always wanted to be an orphan -- it was my favorite thing to pretend -- and I'm only now just realizing that's probably why I devoured books like this (and Little Princess, Secret Garden, and Secret Language). I longed to live in an orphanage (or boarding school) and discover a secret place of my very own. 

I didn't realize until I was much older (and really into Sound of Music) that this author and Maria Von Trapp were one and the same. 

Rereading it as an adult, this story has lost none of it's magic. It's still just as charming as ever. I chose it as #25 on the "26 Books to Read in 2015" list: a book more than 10 years old. One of my favorites then and one of my favorites now.

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