Monday, February 9, 2015

New reads:

This week I'm reading The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane by Katherine Howe. It's about a doctoral candidate at Harvard named Connie, who in an attempt to find an original source for her dissertation, stumbles across a woman named Deliverance Dane and what seems to be a book of "recipes". Deliverance Dane lived in Salem, Massachusetts during the witch trials and was caught up in the whole witch hunt thing and somewhere along the way, her book disappeared. Connie begins her search for the missing book, learns about herself and her family's past, and fights against those that seek to harm her. There's adventure, mystery, romance, and even historical aspects to the story.

While I enjoyed the story, it seemed a little predictable to me. I found it very similar to the All Souls Trilogy by Diana Harkness, and to be honest, I liked those better. I did enjoy the historical parts, though. And I found it interesting that the author, Katherine Howe, is a descendant of two different woman who were accused of witchcraft during the Salem witch trials. So, in a way, it seemed a little autobiographical. Or, at least like she used parts of her own life to create her story.

It is a fast read and I'd recommend it to anyone that likes stories with a twinge of supernatural, historical fiction, or mystery.

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