Friday, May 15, 2009

Camping On/Off

My boss and I went to Samarai for Sushi Friday today. Now, I don't really care for sushi. In fact, I think it'd be safe to say that I don't like it at all. I don't eat cooked seafood, let alone raw. But today I tried my own little version of the California roll -- just cucumber and cream cheese rolled in rice -- no meat or fish eggs allowed. It was okay. I guess maybe I'm just not used to the way it tastes but I couldn't eat very much of it. And I'm probably not going to be suffering from sushi cravings any time soon, I was just proud of myself for trying it. Andrew was a little sad when he found out. He wanted to be there when I tried it. But Tammy says there are just some life experiences that I get to have with her. But I guess I will have to try it again with Andrew later.

My dad called off our camping trip this morning because of the heavy rainfall that's expected tomorrow. I was pretty bummed out about it all day until I had the brilliant idea on the way home from work to just relocate to my parents' backyard. So they are setting up the tents right now and in just a few minutes it will be party time. Now if it rains, we can just go inside. And we'll have access to their grill, a clean bathroom, and their cozy patio furniture. Plus, we can still make it to the Greek Food Festival tomorrow.

Oh and we just made friends with a little baby turtle that lives in our backyard.

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