Friday, January 30, 2015

Happy weekend:

Happy weekend, friends! We survived another week! I know most of my weekend posts sound like I just survived a cataclysmic event but these days, by the time Friday rolls around, it sure feels like it! This week is no exception. We are trying to break M of his swaddle since he is 8 months old now and still needs to be wrapped up at night. Let's just say he does not approve. It's been a week of rough bed times and middle of the night crying sessions. Consequently, we are exhausted. I feel a bit like I'm running on empty these days. I know it will get easier but until then, I'm in survival mode.

This weekend we hope to wrap up what's left of our painting and catch up on sleep. Maybe I will work in the yard. That's it. I can't commit to anything more than that.

Here's what's going on around here lately:
  1. Andrew got me a serger for my birthday and I have been practicing with it. The thing intimidates me for some reason, so I'm taking it slow. We're getting to know each other.
  2. We got this for spraying out M's diapers and it has made a world of difference! I don't know how we ever lived without it.
  3. I started working on getting my abs back post-baby and it has been insanely hard. I never knew my stomach muscles could hurt to badly.
  4. M has started saying "mamamama" and it is the cutest thing. I like to think he's saying my name (even though he's really not) and it melts my heart.
  5. M turned 8 months old this week! Can you believe it? It feels like it happened so quickly.
Have a great weekend, everyone! 

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