Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow day crafts

It started snowing this morning so I had a half day at work. I spent the afternoon under an electric blanket, eating good food, and watching Andrew play video games.

And of course I had time to work on my latest project:

The t shirt quilt. Somehow over the years, I have accumulated an amazing number of t shirts. And I haven't worn about 95% of them in years. I didn't want to get rid of them so they just sat in boxes and took up space. So I got out all my high school t shirts (there were so many that I have to make separate quilts for high school and college) and cut them up. I started by cutting them down the sides so I just saved the fronts (or whatever part was most important).

And then I made a template to create each square, trimmed them down, and ironed them onto stabilizer so they wouldn't stretch.

I ran out of stabilizer and I'm not going to brave the weather today to go get any. It'll just have to wait until this weekend. Until then I'm cutting up strips of fabric to place randomly between the squares to break it up a little.

Oh and don't forget, an all new episode of 30 Rock tonight @ 8p on NBC!

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