Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Packing list:

I'm itching to travel this summer. I don't care where. Anywhere. I just want to get up and go. And as you might think, one of my favorite things about traveling is the packing (and the prepping and list-making that accompanies it). So, the new packing list on the J.Crew website has completely stolen my heart. It speaks to my Type A personality. For the most part, I already own the majority of the items pictured (although in different colors) so I will be taking a page from them this summer and using this list as inspiration. 

One idea for planning outfits when packing for a trip (that I think is completely brilliant, btw) is having a theme, of sorts. And I think that's what the people at J.Crew were going for. Picking one color and only packing clothing that are different variations of that color. So everything is mix-and-match and you never have to worry about what works well together. It all does. You can bring less clothing, rework it, and double your wardrobe. It makes dressing a breeze. Cause when I'm on vacation, sometimes even getting dressed seems like a chore.

I'm definitely doing that this summer. Wherever I end up. Packing light is the way to go.

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