Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I love it when we get presents

My boss and coworkers got us parting gifts! How great are they?

Present #1 includes:
A book of facts about Ireland to read on the plane
Green M&Ms
Cards with four-leaf-clovers on them and a green pen to write home

Present #2 (an anniversary present) includes:
4 glass plates with an S monogram

Now, Tammy, don't be mad but I already broke one while I was taking them out of the box. Oh and I also broke Tillie's bowl. I must be having a clumsy day.

I also got a new blanket to take on the plane. It is cute. Krit, it is polka dotted and as you would say, "it looks like Meghan."

We are going to bed now. Like, right now. We've got to get up @ 3:45a to get ready for our flight!

1 comment:

Cubby and Tabby said...

OH Nooooooooooo! We'll fix it when you get back. No worries.