Friday, April 25, 2014

Happy weekend:

Happy Friday, everyone! So glad another weekend is upon us. What are you lovelies doing with your free time? Anything fun? We have home improvements to knock out. With such a long to-do list, it seems like we just live for the weekends now so we can get stuff done. Such is the life of a homeowner though, I guess. Welcome to being a grownup.

I'm hoping we can start on building our bookshelves this weekend. I'm getting really tired of staring at all those boxes stacked in the living room. I'm also determined to pick up some curtains this weekend because well, it's about time. We've been in the new house for over a month. It's past time for that, really.

Here's a little of what's been going on in our universe lately:
  1. Our doctor appointments are every 1-2 weeks now. That means we're getting so close to meeting our sweet little guy. We're nervous (!) but very excited.
  2. My sciatic nerve has been KILLING me the last few weeks. I feel like I can hardly put weight on my right leg sometimes. I've been trying to do what I can to alleviate it and some days it feels better but it means that pretty much all of my exercise and physical activity has come to a grinding halt.
  3. Kristin, one of my oldest and dearest friends (and 1/4 of the Order) is in town with her kiddos for spring break this week. Getting to see her, even if just for short periods of time, has completely made my week. I miss her when she's all the way over there in Delaware. 
  4. We washed all of baby M's new things and put them away in his room. I cannot get over how cute all of his tiny clothes are! I have always had a minor obsession with things in miniature (thus my childhood infatuation with Polly Pockets), but this is just taking it to a whole new level. I can't believe they make people small enough to fit that stuff.
  5. The guys Andrew works with threw him a little "guy shower" this week. They took him out to lunch and gave him all kinds of dad advice. It was probably the sweetest thing ever. The guys he works with really are some of the most decent guys I know. And Andrew really enjoys working with them.
We're taking some time off from our busy home improvement schedule this weekend to hang out with my nephew. An afternoon of exploring museums, burgers and shakes, and Mario Kart is desperately needed (and well-deserved) by all.

Have a great weekend, friends! Get out there and enjoy the sunshine!

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