Thursday, June 11, 2009

Getting Ready

Today we've been getting ready. All day, it feels like. Today I got my hair done before our big trip. And this picture was going to be the picture of the day before I came home and saw these:

Andrew picked wild flowers for me while on a walk with Tillie. Aren't they just so cute? He really is the sweetest boy ever.

I also stopped by the US Customs office this morning and registered our laptop and camera with them so we will have no problems leaving with them or coming back. And they gave me some paperwork that looks really official. And it made me realize just how much I love official looking papers. It makes me feel important and prepared. And we all know how much I love feeling prepared.

Also, I found $7 bucks in my winter coat pocket today while looking for our DS charger. I didn't find it. Does anyone know where we might have hidden the charger for our Nintendo DS? It seems to have disappeared.

1 comment:

Lorenzo said...

No idea about the charger, hope y'all found it.

Have a great trip and be safe!