Sunday, July 26, 2009

Productive much?

Woke up early this morning and cleaned the apartment. It smells pretty now.

Picked up Laura and Dan from the airport this afternoon and then had dinner with them. I got to drive Laura's new car. It was nice. It makes me want a new car but I'd rather have a house first so I will have to wait.

Mom came over and we went on a walk with Tillie and looked at houses. Every time I look at houses, I want one even more. Hopefully it will happen for us someday soon.

Andrew and Schuck are over here playing video games (again) and I am bored. I've done laundry, talked to both my mom and Katherine on the phone, cleaned, planned to reupholster the chair in the bedroom, and taken on a spray painting project in which I spray paint random picture frames in the house to change it up and make things seem new and exciting again.

Time to make some hot tea and dive into Anna Karenina by Tolstoy.

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